This list can be searched by date sent by first pressing Ctrl+F to open the "Find" box, entering a date in the format of mm/dd/yy, and then clicking Next to the right of the "Find" box. 

07/22/24 - Fiscal Agent Transition-Deadline Approaching

06/07/24 - Fiscal Agent Transition-Deadline Imposed

05/01/24 - FY25 ThinkFirst Injury Funding Available and Application

05/01/24 - FY25 Special Projects - Statewide Consumer/Family Support Networks Funding Available and Application

04/15/24 - Summer Support Funding Available

02/27/24 - Rate Migration Authorizations in Therap

01/24/24 - Fiscal Agent Transition

12/19/23 - Mileage Rate Change (Effective January 1, 2024)

07/25/23 - August 2023 Monthly Provider Meeting (in-person)

10/14/22 - Community ICF/IID Rate Effective July 1st 2022

09/26/22 - Extension Requests for Audit Reports, Cost Reports

08/29/22 - Extension Requests for Audit Reports, Cost Reports, and Reports on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures (RoAPPs)

05/20/22 - Fiscal Year End Processing Requirements - ICF RESLOG Billing Information

05/19/22 - 2022 Summer Support Funding Available

05/12/22 - Rate Adjustment for Community ICF/IID

04/27/22 - Community ICF/IID Rate Effective May 1st 2022

03/02/22 Delay of Transitioning to Direct Billing

01/07/22 - Commission Approved Uses of 6.2% FMAP Funding

10/14/21 - Impact of EVV on Board Operated Respite Programs

10/06/21 - Residential Fee-for-Service Scheduled to Start on January 1, 2022 & IDRD Waiver Renewal Update

10/06/21 - Implementing FY22 Appropriations for $10 Million Residential and 2.5% COLA

10/01/21 - Extension of DDSN’s Fixed Price Bid Contract to 1/31/2022

09/27/21 Provider Relief Fund Phase 4 - (deadline: October 26, 2021)

09/10/21 - New Residential Habilitation Daily Rates & Additional Respite Rate Guidance

09/09/21 - Solicit Input for DDSN's FY23 Legislative Budget Proposal

08/26/21 - Financial Issues Update

07/20/21- Impact of COVID-19 Federal Funds on DDSN Cost Reports

07/14/21 - Implementation of FY22 Legislative Appropriations

06/30/21 - 10% FMAP Budget Proposal

06/15/21 - FY 2022 Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs) Report

05/25/21 - FY22 Bed Fee Moratorium

04/30/21 - Transition Jasper DSN Board Fiscal Agent Operations to Charles Lea Center, Effective 7/1/2021

04/28/21 - 2021 Summer Support Funding Available

04/23/21 - Transition of Jasper Fiscal Agent Program to Charles Lea Center, Effective 7/1/2021

04/14/21 - Status of Federal American Rescue Plan's 10% HCBS FMAP Increase

04/05/21 - Residential Outlier Funding for Providers

04/01/21 - CMS Approval of Appendix K for Retainer Payments

01/11/21 - Governor's FY21/22 Executive Budget

12/22/20 - 60% Recoupment and Retro FFS Payment

10/19/20 Audit Directive Supplement

09/02/20 DDSN FY21 Budget Update & FY22 Budget Request

08/26/20 Automatic Extension of Year-End Reporting Deadlines

07/15/20 Year End Checklist Providers Final

07/08/20 Revisions to Directive 300-05-DD “Maintenance Management Contract Requirements for Properties Owned by DDSN and Operated by Local County Providers”

06/04/20 HASCI Waiver At-Home and State-Funded Community Supports (SFCS) Administrative Cost Request

06/01/20 Request for 2021 FTE Report

05/28/20 DDSN Year End Memo

03/27/20 30-day Residential Bed Vacancy Extension Due to COVID-19


01/28/20 DDSN Quarterly Training

10/11/19 Revised Outlier Process

10/08/19 Revised Travel and Procurement Regulations

10/01/19 DDSN Quarterly Training


08/21/19 State Funded Community Supports Day Program and Supported Employment Billing Process

07/25/19 Family Support/Respite Administrative Costs

07/12/19 Year-end and Interim Financial Reporting

07/11/19 DDSN Training

06/25/19 HASCI Waiver at Home and State Funded Community Supports (SFCS) Administrative Costs

06/13/19 FY 2020 Budget

11/14/18 Early Intervention (EI) Payment System Update